When I was kid, (five years old approximate), the christamas was very special because whit my family and other people that work or study in my school, went to give food and toys to poor people, we went in a van, crossing some camps, and specify places as the vega, the mapocho riverside, and I don’t remember more. This time I could share a different people, and different kids.
I remember that we give a sandwich and a coffe or te for the adults, and some people that not have house received a blanket. The children received a toy, a doll for the girl and a robot for the boys, the present is delivered for a one person that is dressed of santa claus.
I don’t remember that happened after of the tour, but I know that always my parents has a present for me and my brothers.
Years more late, my Christmas was more family, and until today, y celebrate Christmas with my parent, my sister, my brothers, my grandmother,my uncle, aunt and cousins. We eat and close to 12’ we open the presents, and in the past was very typical go to the friend and play with the new toys, newly opened, no matter the time.