miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

An importan test

The PSU is a exam that value if you can enter in the traditional university, and i think that was a complicate experience for me. Some person considers that I a stress experience, and if they are not a good result, they are very frustrated; seriously this test can define the future to the people.
 My school is not good, and is not interesting to prepare the people to the PSU, the first time to I make this test, I went without much preparation, I never make a test, even I remember that I slept in the language test, and the result was not so terrible, but my evaluations in the school was not very good and I don’t had the necessary point to enter to the university (although I want go to Concepcion to study, when I can enter, but my mom not allowed). In the next year, I make a ‘preuniversitario’, and I prepare the test, and the day to the exam I was really relax, also I know that my family was not a presion, and  if I don’t make good the test, I had other possibility to my life.
When I wait the result, I’m very anxious  (I eat all day) and I expected a best result, but I didn’t import because I knew that I can enter to geography in the university of chile to study.

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

One place to eat

Four years old, whit my brother went to two ‘picadas’, one was a ‘El Tio Manolo’, that is located in Maraton st, was a container modified to sell food, and they sell hot-dog, as, churrascos and other goodies. We passed one day in the week,  and we ate a ‘Italiano’,was a local to fast pass, was a local that passing full, had a bar where you ate standing, and various parking to the clients in the street. This local was located near to the house of my brother's girlfriend, and he invited me when we visit to my nephew. I liked this local because the mayonnaise was very good, and had not long to wait for the food is ready, lamentably, this local was closed, the municipality did not give permission to work, (is said to be due to problems of interest between the mayor and the tenant). The price I don’t know because I don’t pay, I only asked the same think always.
When whit my brother not pass to the ‘Tio Manolo’. We pass to ‘Donde el guaton’ or something like; this is located In Bustamante st, and also sell scrap food, but these foods have big portions, the hot-dog be really big, and the churrascos as. also my brother is present to me this place, before was a 'picada' to taxin drivers, but now, the have more locals and is a popular place.
The first day that I went here, I don’t cant eat all the food, the second time I ate a little more, and the third time, y can eat one ‘hot-dog italiano’ complete. This season I think that I fattening a lot.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

One (not so sad) Birthday!

One birthday
Always, my birthdays is a date very boring, because is in January, and the people are in the holydays, out of the Santiago, and make a big party, or big celebration is very difficult.

The ultimate two year, in the 2011 to come my brother that live out of the country, and was a good day in family, but he ruined my plan whit my friends, and he to capture all the interest to the people, and nothing remember that was my birthday. Now that I think, was very sad the day for be my birthday.
The 2012 was especially years because was a first day that I celebrate with my friends with a party in my house, (now that I so-so big) but I don’t was with all my family, missed my brother and my sister.

I think that the bets birthday was I went to the beach with my father, we ate delicious food, we know new place, and we visit places that long age we don’t go. This birthday was in 2009 or 2010, and I has 18 or 19 years old, I don’t remember exactly. I was in Horcón and in Papudo, and other places near to this beach. And when I arrived to my house was my family wait me and we have a tea, and the typical sing, and the cake. I don’t know why I remember, I believed that is a good date with my dad, and really I enjoyment the day, nothing to bother me.

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Buenos Aires:

Buenos Aires is a capital of Argentina, is a big city, have a 12.806.866 population (the big Buenos Aires) and is between the 20 greatest city to the word. Have the “Subte” that is the first underground transport system to the southern hemisphere, in a line, have train of wood and is very rustic the line.

Buenos Aires have various touristic place by visit, the most famous is the “Caminito” that is a neighborhood houses of different colors, and the people dance tango in the street and there’s a los restaurants. Some person that lives here and study history, sayd me that this houses to belong to Genovese people that arrived in the steamboat and they paint the house with much color that to be left to the boat. Other place is “San Telmo” that is located near to “Caminito” and is an old place, when in a park there is an antique fair.

La Recoleta is other neighborhood when you can find the cemetery that noted for the sculpture and architecture the century XIX, is here the Eva Peron grave and other important person. I think that is very nice and terrific place, have narrow corridors and can see the graves that not fall in the space inside the mausoleum. Opposite to the cemetery, is a big park were every Sunday there a very big fair, hippie fair when you can find all type to thing, I remember that a person send figures makes whit the subway tickets.
File:Recoleta montage.jpg
Also in the recoleta you can find the national library that has a particular architecture, and the law school at the University of Buenos Aires. Adjacently there other park when there a big sculture that is a big metal flower that in the day is open and in the night is close, and is moved according to the position of the sun.

Others typical place are the “casa rosada” that is the govern palace, “puerto madero” that is a “new” neighborhood were is people that much money, and is contrast the new constructs with the old constructs that characteristic the city.-

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

An ooutdoor activity

i dont know if this activity is valided to the post, but An outdoor activity that I realize is walk to the city for place that I don’t know. I like know new place, street, and now is very easy not lost because I have a GPS in the cellphone and I can localize quickly.

I like do it because I can know new space, I don’t like when the people don’t know her city. Here be place very beautiful and nice and other really disagree, as well I like see the people that different zone, and I can think about myself, and now that I learn photographic, I like go to the street and take photographic of different thing and situation.

Always the last time that I go to walk was the last week, I has go to the dentist and latter I went to walk for providence, from Antonio varas to pocuro, to tobalaba, always to happen entertaining thing. Too, sometime when I go to my house, to university, I go walking, by different street for not repeat the landscape; I cross the center of Santiago show the shop but in winter as its getting dark more early, I don’t walk much for this place.

Activity clik clik clik


Cleopatra is a queen of Egypt , she has a lot power, politic power and economic power, he has the power of a part to the Mediterranean coast. Actually to exists various film that remember her life as the protagonist by Elizabeth Taylor, Cleopatra is married with her brother ptolomeo and later she is married with Marco Antonio, finally she decided suicide.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

A Beach

Thinking of a beach that I like, I discover that I don’t know many beach, and the first that I think is in “Isla Negra”, here I went every summer of my childhood, is localized in the central cost of Chile, in the “el quisco” town, near to “Cartagena beach”
 really I don’t like so much, not is the more entertaining place, but I have good remembers of when I girl, my uncle live here And we stayed in the house of a fisherman, I went to the beach the day after of finish the class in the college, and I return to Santiago the day before enter to class.
This beach have a lot of rocks and the surf was really big (I considered very big before), and is not suitable for swimming, but I with my brothers and cousins, we swam in a species of pool, make for rocks and in the background was fill to algae, before was a not popular place, here is one Pablo Neruda’s house, that is a touristic attractive but this touristic not went to the beach, the majority only visited de house, I remember that before, I come to the house and I know of memory the tour for it.
The last time I went to “Isla Negra” was the summer of 2012, and i stay only 2 hour and was very sad, because everything was different, a hill that free pass that have a mythical “burned house” was close, and I remember that here I play always.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Francisca Gamboa post


This summer I traveled to Perú with  two friends, (WW)this was my first time traveling alone with friends. We traveled en February, almost two weeks touring Perú, we (WF) were to Tacna, Arequipa and obviously, our final destination: Cuzco.  It was a really wonderful trip. When I was 16 years old, I went to Cuzco with my family was also very nice, but this time I really appreciated a lot other things; ruins, history, people, culture… it was a really magical journey, that I would repeat again… I suppose I will can enjoy it even more.

This trip was very fun, with my friends have a great relationship  and enjoyed every day of travel. It was a long trip in bus (You know who drive (WW) the Peruvians?!!?... they are very extreme), but all this give us more “adventure” to the trip, as well as for the summer rains Machu Pichu was closed for two days, for lucky just arrived when it re opened. And when came back, cause the same summer rains, the frontier Chile-Perú was closed, in fact at the time we get scare, but now we laugh a lot remembering all the things that (WW)passed on the trip.

Francisca Gamboa's blog

I’m writing about Francisca Gamboa’s blog.

This is a pretty blog, not have a tittle but a have a draw of two people play musical instruments, and says WELCOME! In the top, the background of the blog is blue sky, and letters white, is a good combination but white is not look much. The background of each tittle post is very nice, is purple and a texture of wood or something.

The blog have 4 post this semester, and in almost all post have photographic  to relate whit the topic  of the post, only one post not have photo, post has no comment


A web site that I like is google, because have various applications or tools as e-mail, blog, youtube, translater, chat, google+ (that is a social page as facebook), google maps, google docs and other , and I can search anything and this page find answer for all thing in format that videos, image, other web sites and I can make my homework.

I discover this page when I child, I don’t remember exactly, and I don’t remember neither why, but is a popular page and today is imposible not know and visit this page.

I visit this page all days, because is the homepage of my computer, and I searcgh something for stupid that is.

I like this web site for the options that it’s have, whit the e-mail I can communicate and send records, with the chat I can talk whit people,  I like Google maps for I don’t lost in the city as well I use this application in the cell phone when I need go someplace, google docs to be useful for make works on line, write or read text, google books sometime useful, when have free books, and youtube, that is part of Google, is a great page, all the time I search music videos, films, series and I find in youtube or other page thank to google.

Ultimate I use the tools google play for download software and games for the cell phone  


viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

A Movie

I don’t know which is the first film that I saw in the cinema, but I believe that was Toy story, a film about a boy that has a favorite toy, but in the birthday he received a new favorite toy, and start the conflict. I remember that I went with my father; I don’t remember whit precision the date or the year, but was especially because was de unique opportunity that we go together to the cinema

 I think that he wasn’t very entertaining but I enjoy much this film, because was very amazing think that the toys has live, they talk, walk, and they had emotions.

Before was opened the second part of the movie, and I went to see with my brother, and again I find a excellent movie, and the three part was opened recently but I don’t see, I don’t know why, I wait see some day, though my nephew relate me all the movie.

Other film that I don’t know see inn the cinema was harry potter, I see all movies (and I read all the books), and other classic movie that I see but not in the cinema was the little mermaid, and the Lion king that I have in VHS.

Free Post (House M.D)

Dr House is an American television series, about a medic very rare that have a diagnostic team where they have patient’s whit strange diseases or of difficult diagnosis.
The series have eight seasons of 25 episodes each, and each episode long 45 minutes, is transmit by fox chanel, and was opened in 2004, and in the 2008 was the most-watched series.
The protagonist, interpreted by Hugh Lauri, have a addiction to de vicodin (a drugs to the pain) because he have a problem in a leg, he lost the muscle and this causes a severe pain in his leg, also, he have a difficult character, is antisocial, nonconformist, narcissisms, ironic, and sarcastic, all the time, he believes to be right, almost like a god.
In general, in the series, house gets in trouble and always be a excuse to dismiss, but the director of the hospital is in love to house. In the five seasons, house is admitted to a rehabilitation center after that he begins to hallucinate, and his addiction is worse, and in the 8° season, the dr. house is arrested, and this is a last season.
I like see this serial, in internet I can see the episodes that I don’t saw in the tv, and ultimate I beging to see the serial from the first episode, in order, and late I hope see grey’s anatomy, other serial to fox chanel that also is about a medical life.

jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

A Journey

A journey that i remember was the past summer, I went to the south, to the mountain of araucania region, I went whit my sister, first we went to the Valdivia, because she have a working meeting, then we went to his house and our travel starting in Temuco city. We had planned go to the panguipulli and later go to pirigueico lake and take a ferry to reach to san martin de los andes in argentina, but when we arrive to panguipulli, the ferry was broken and we change the plan.
Finally, the travel was like this: first we go to panguipully and we stay one night, then we go to choshuenco, a village whit a beautifull lake, but this day rained a lot, after, we go to neltume, a beautifull village that hava a sad history and wonderful landscape, here are three park whit a waterfalls, is so cute but is a littles expensive, later, we go to the liquiñe, a place very cute that i knew when  I was children, and now I want go here for remember something, and I like much because is surrounded by native forest and have hot springs, here were three days, and the holydays are over L

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

i want to learn..

Ultimately, I would like learn goldsmithing, make jewel mainly in silver, I like very much the jewels but I prefer when the piece is make to hand and not in machines that repeat and make a lot jewels equal.  I know theoretically how to make jewels, but I’ve never make anything.

I remember when I was children, I liked see my father when he work making jewels, and now I said that I want learn, but he said me that he can teach me but we need clean the workshop, and this is a big problem because this place is a bit chaotic.
Other things that like learn is the photography, also was my father who taught me the basic thing, and he gift me his analog camera, and his zoom lens. my favorite pictures are in motion and black and White, but I can control the light in the photos, and almost always are too dark or too light, I hope someday to have my own darkroom and reveal my own photos as well in my dad, by now, I practice only take photos whit the analog and a digital camera.
Really I would like learn all that my dad make someday but I don’t have much patience and abilities as he 

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Web site

Ultimate I like see videos in the web, for this I visit Youtube and vimeo that are a website were people public different videos, I like visit this site because I find lot videos that I interesting, I can see a series, music videos, some events, short film and always that I have study, I lost the time in this page.

In youtube I can see more videos, but when I want see videos of some deport event, I search in vimeo, because I think that the videos is have more and best definition.

I see these sites from two or three years, is a good for exit of problems and serious situations, also when I boring always I find something for dead the time. I don’t remember the first time that I use this site, and I use every day this page, because I don’t like download much music in my pc, I prefer to listen to music on line.

Normally, the web site that I more use is facebook, but really I don’t like public my life in the internet, I use this site for play and talk with my friends, and I see the newsletter in the radio bio-bio website.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

a music video!

I have various music videos favorites, but the last video that I don’t get tired that see and hear is “beautiful” of the band Tan Bionica: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd2VpTH6LqU.
Tan bionica is an argentine band, is to form in 2001, and the style is not defined although the play some similar to the pop, with influence as  funk, soul, r&b, but really I don’t know much in this theme, and I don’t considerate in my taste. Tan bionica is not very famous in chile, I know the band in argentina, and some songs are played in MTV, and this video I find because I to look for a song in youtube.
  I like this video because the director used different technology as a part that use the 3D effect, also I like as play whit the colors in different scene, they coordinating the clothes, with the set, whit the letters, whit all.
The best part for my, is when the band to simulate a party and all is in flour colors, I think that is a cool scene.
This song is very sticky, and I don’t know if musically is a good or bad song, but I like, the band have other songs as “loca” and “ella” that also have a good videos.

martes, 17 de enero de 2012


I llike go to the concert, but I think that in chile is so expensive go to the concert and the band that come in the last years is very good for the majority to the people.
I dont go to the much concert, because I don’t like wait much time and the desesperation some people, but when come an artist that I like very much and I have the money or I get a free pass I go, as when I went to the concert of the backstreet boys, really I would want go, but I never pay for go to the show, and my cousin give me a ticket because he can get free pass in the movistar arena, I remember that my cousin call me one hour before the concer and tell me that he give me a ticket, and I don’t have other alternative that go.
The last concert that I want go and I pay was the presentation of “calle13”, I love this band, I love de vocalist and her song, for this concert I have that convince to my sister that we went, and I pay her ticket, all for go to the event. 

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Horse in the chinese horoscope!

In the chinese horoscope I think that I was goats, but thank to his post I discovery that I am horse, a metal horse, and in the stars sign I am aquarius,  I don’t belive much in the horoscope, but I read the star horoscope every time I can, and the Chinese horoscope I read when begins the years in the magazines.
Some character to the horse is the strength, energy and an outgoing nature.
The people that is horse are intelligent and have the capacity of make a several task at the time, but sometimes they are not end the task because he search new opportunities, and I think that this character is compatible whit my, because I am special in begin a job and not finish because a begin other think more interesting.
The horses have a positive outlook to the life and this help in his a good health, this sign need. In the career, the horse enjoin whit work that permit interact with other person, and they are not like receive orders,  and he adapted to different works.
In the relations, the horses have the cararcteristic to give all themselves, but are not long relationship.
The metal horse is not very stable in the relations and work topic, he change easily parnerts and job.

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012


This christmas, was very special because my brother that live in buenos aires came to Santiago as a surprise, he arrived the 23 in the morning  and  My sister that live in the south of chile also came, she arrive hours later, my mom was very excied.
The 24° in the day, as ever, my dad cooking and my mom claimed by all, in the nigh came my grandmother, my uncle and my cousin, we ate many thing as seafood, various types of potatoes, salmon, and we drink wine, we talk about the life, work, politic, tv, as long age we were not together, has much to talk about, we laughed, and remember when we were children and we lived together.  Before twelve, we open de gift, a lot gift.
The next day, my big brother wen for my nephew and we lunch together newly, but my brother was return to Buenos aires so we go to the airport, and in the night my sister take the bus to her house in the souh.
Was very good and necessary see my family together but the house was a chaos, and whit my parent end very tired after the visit.