The PSU is a exam that value if you can enter in the traditional university, and i think that was a complicate experience for me. Some person considers that I a stress experience, and if they are not a good result, they are very frustrated; seriously this test can define the future to the people.
My school is not good, and is not interesting to prepare the people to the PSU, the first time to I make this test, I went without much preparation, I never make a test, even I remember that I slept in the language test, and the result was not so terrible, but my evaluations in the school was not very good and I don’t had the necessary point to enter to the university (although I want go to Concepcion to study, when I can enter, but my mom not allowed). In the next year, I make a ‘preuniversitario’, and I prepare the test, and the day to the exam I was really relax, also I know that my family was not a presion, and if I don’t make good the test, I had other possibility to my life.
When I wait the result, I’m very anxious (I eat all day) and I expected a best result, but I didn’t import because I knew that I can enter to geography in the university of chile to study.
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